Today it consisted of me talking about local unions and what they should do to adapt to the modern age. BP workers are still out on strike at the same time the WSJ is saying that 100,000 people have lost their jobs in the oil industry. Adapt or die.
6:45 - Jordan Beasley. He called in from Indy where the Pacers honored him at halftime. Jordan used to intern with us and now he's headed to working for the White Sox. But he's still a Cubs fan.
7:00 - Jerome Prince. He's the Lake County assessor and a lot of people are pissed that their property assessments went up. Prince, who's new to the job, explained why.
7:15 - Dr. Joe and Katy Dowling. He's the superintendent (Dr. Youssef Yomtoov) of East Chicago schools and she's the numbers gal. They're a bit turned around about the legislature poised to take another 2.4 million away from EC schools and give it to the suburban schools. "We've got 95 percent of our families living in poverty, for crissake." Okay, so he didn't say "for crissake." I added that. But he could have.
7:40 - Attorney David Gladish talked about Aaron Hernandez's guilty verdict and a LaPorte County commissioner busted on drug charges.
8:10 - Frank Mrvan III and Kathleen Dyer. She's the new head of Catholic Charities straight from Camden, New Jersey (yes, Rutgers is there.) And he's the N Twp Trustee. They're the intelligentsia of poor relief in the area.
8:47 - LeAnne Munoz. She's the special events coordinator for the city of Hammond. They're bringing in New Odyssey to the Civic Center on Saturday night. 45 bucks a couple for dinner and entertainment.
9:05 - I put headphones on and lay on a chair by the green screen and listen to my Pandora on shuffle. I fall asleep until a song by England Dan and John Ford Cooley slips in the rotation and it wakes me up.