Radio's like everything else. You gotta get away from it for a while.
And so it goes with Alexis and I flying to West Palm Beach and making our way to Boca, Ft. Lauderdale, Marathon Key and then culminating with five days of debauchery in Key West. It's supposed to clear the mind, make you come back even wittier and more keenly observant for your listeners. Instead I brought back some sort of virus that's landed in my stomach to remind me that you're not as young as you used to be.
Yesterday it was cold, so a few minutes into the morning show we lost connection between our new temporary studio and the old studio, where the transmitter is. Dead air for a few moments, and then Ryan and I had to skidaddle it up Indianapolis Boulevard to do the show from the old studio. I won't bore you with the details of mikes not working and the heat being off and the rest of it. Just know that through a ton of frustration that I gave off the normal devil may care attitude on the air, a result of my consummate professionalism or that maybe I really don't give a shit anymore. All radio is good, just some is better than others.
Today who do we have? Verlie Suggs is gonna sit with me 6-715. At 7am Randy Neimeyer from Cedar Lake is gonna explain why his community won't join the countywide 911 system. And at 715 Hammond mayor Tom McDermott's gonna join me to talk about stuff going on down in the state legislature. Verlie will vacate for that. I'm not sure how the mayor and her feel about each other. Normally I would just throw them in the stew together and see what happens, Conrad Dobler style, but for today I'm not getting that vibe. At 8 I've got Vyto Damasius and then people even after that. It'll be good radio because remember, all radio is good, just some is better than others.