...90 degrees out
...check out the work of Amy Wiegsmoen (sp?) on the afternoon show with steve fowler. amy did great job for her first 2.5 hours of radio. amy's a homemaker from hammond and she knows a lot about local stuff so why not give her a shot? we look to hire the local region guy, er, gal. bill baker on vacation for a couple days.
...great job by nipsco's mark maasel on raising more than $50,000 to fight cancer.
...maasel - "we feel we had an excellent turnout and our corporate sponsors really came through. we sent out the smart cart so we could provide a little fun and a little education about cancer at the same time.
...outing board memer vic demeyer - "it's always good to get involved in something that improves the quality of life in northwest indiana. we appreciate the ongoing support of a lot of different people."
...major supporters - universe level - john w. anderson. platinum level - isg burns harbor. gold level - fifth third bank, horseshoe, ibew, thorgre tool & molding, nipsco.
...matt reardon won free year of internet from net-nitco's mike bucko. reardon's gonna give it away on the repay and reardon segment on tuesday afternoon 3:30-6:00 on wjob.
...cancer survivor jerry dobrian, originally glen park in gary and lew wallace high, talked about cancer - "i had a tumor removed from my lung nine years ago. recently i lost my 47-year-old kid brother to lung and brain cancer. mom, grandma, aunts - cancer throughout my family.
...."since i'm vindictive by nature, i'm gonna get revenge on this disease...i'm the luckiest man alive. even stormy weather is beautiful."
...dobrian worked 38 years in advertising at post-tribune. he's a great speaker with energy and he looks you in the eye, would make a great speaker at group function.
...board members for american cancer society outing include pat puffer of mercantile bank (soon harris bank), jim fitzer of nipsco, tom ploski of pepsi, joe turner, mike bucko of netnitco. good job people.
...councilman repay is a much better player in a scramble. hits far and can putt. how'd he bowl, er, shoot a 113 in qualifier at lost marsh in the wjob ridge classic?