Today the attorney general for the state of Indiana, Greg Zoeller, came into the new studios and we talked about things like scams of old people and how to get young people to not start smoking. It was a particularly timely interview in that tomorrow the nation will be watching a tiny courtroom in Chicago and the attorney general has a big hand in what's going on there.
It's all about gay and lesbian marriage... (click below to read more)
Tomorrow, Zoeller's attorney will be trying to get the appeals court to turn all of that over. There's rallies planned for both sides and it could get interesting, possibly on its way to the Supreme Court as a test case. We'll see. But either way producer Ryan once again got the player in a big issue on the show and, like the red wheelbarrow, that makes all the difference.
After Zoeller came Billy Buzzkill Bake, my childhood chump. We were in the middle of yukking it up with 85-year-old Joe from Highland about his distaste for gay anything... and we went off the air. The internet died.
Now the internet's important because we're in the new studios on the campus of the Purdue Calumet Commercialization Center and the way we connect to the tower 7 blocks away is through the internet. There were some guys working at the back of the building and even though they said they didn't touch the Comcast stuff... still sounds kinda fishy to me.
So I just hopped in my daughter's Ford Fusion and drove down the Boulevard to the main studio. Turned on the Autogram and started talking. Off the air only a short bit and then back to talking.
Here's the takeaway... when I started talking again after the panic drive down the Boulevard (sorry to the steel hauler I cut off) I just started talking in a whimsical manner about traffic on the Bishop Ford and how hot it's gonna be. At 8:30 Michelle Quinn of the Post-Tribune came in and we had a pretty good 40 minute show. Stay calm, my friends. All local radio is good, just some is better than others.