Sure, mate.
So I made the mad dash seven blocks to the old studio – “We accelerate, no time to hesitate” - and called him back. Sounds like a pretty cool guy as far as heavy metal Brit bass players go. He was calling to promote Priest at the Horseshoe Casino in October. I told him that I saw him in 1979 at the Hammond Civic Center. I think that’s true, but, you know, that basketball cathedral used to fill up with smoke pretty good and it was hard to see who was on the stage.
On what will Judas Priest’s legacy be?
We had a hand in “defining heavy metal. Of course, Black Sabbath started the whole thing.”
On technology in making music?
There’s good and evil in equal measure in it. You can pick a note and get rid of it, re-record it. The technology makes it a little easier to make music.
Favorite Priest album?
The new album, of course. But of the older albums – Defenders.
On the show today, Noreen Bickel the new president of St. Thomas More elementary school came in with Chet Nordyke, the principal. Evidently the larger Catholic schools are adding a president. I went to St. Thom’s. Every bone in my body wanted to tell about the grade-school exploits and Joey Chruby, Chris Klyczek and me. But I could picture my wife of the rescue marriage whispering in my ear – “Not now, JED. It’s not the time nor the place.
Dave and Nina Davila came in to give me my annual flu shot live on the air. They’re opening a second Quik Scripts pharmacy, this one in Griffith. Check out the trend of WJOB healthcare people expanding. Dr. Mary Tilak’s opening a third office. Quik Scripts is expanding. WJOB’s not the reason for the success… but just sayin’.
And then councilman Bernie Zemen and my cousin Eddie Dabrowski came in for the paid show about Highland. For some reason Eddie and I started talking about grandma Matson turning 95 and the reason she has stayed alert so long has something to do with Scotch. Lots of it.
See you tomorrow on the radio.