If you wanna make God laugh, tell him your plans. And if you wanna make him wince, write a blog.
That's kinda how I feel about this whole thing. Who gives a shit what I have to say about radio, what it means to me, how it's declining six percent a year and may wither away someday? Like God or anyone else really gives a shit.
As you can probably tell by the meager amount of blogging that I've done this month - I hate writing this freaking thing. And I don't know why.
It's not like I don't know how to journal. I'm one of these closet journalers. Sometimes I write pages and pages of just bullshit and then at the end of all of it I feel just a little bit better and can start my day or go to bed, whichever is next. Somehow doing radio four hours a day or so has somehow taken over the journaling. It's as if one way or another I have to vomit up a certain amount of words or I'll get Jimmy leg before I go to bed. You lay in bed looking at the ceiling fan listening to old Bee Gees songs and figuring out how tired you're gonna be the next day... (click Read more below)