It was 12 years ago today – September 24, 2007 – that I told everyone to get out of the studio.
It’s 9am on a Tuesday. I just finished doing the morning show in the studios here at Purdue. As usual, I hide in my office afterwards.
It was 12 years ago today – September 24, 2007 – that I told everyone to get out of the studio. It's Sunday and for whatever reason I got up and went to church at St. Stan's in East Chicago for 8:30 mass by Father Siekierski.
It was a bit of an event. My mom and her brothers and sisters and all of her aunts and uncles went to St. Stan's back in the day. I was sitting in the church wondering if I was sitting right where my mom had once sat and her mom before that and her mom before that. But I don't know how old the church is... just that a lot of Polish people go there and now it's also a lot of Mexicans. I just finished the morning show. Brian Johnson and Manny Rodriguez and his daughter Hayleigh came in to talk about the 100th anniversary of Sunnyside in East Chicago. It started as a mill town and now it's a neighborhood. Then Gladish came in. We talked about the young girl who threatened to shoot up a Hammond school.
I run radio stations and a streaming video network in Hammond, Ind., and write this blog.
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