But as you know, radio never sleeps. At 2pm today Ron Miller of WEFM in Michigan City and Dr. Joe of Ball State met with Congressman Pete Visclosky and his aide Celina Weatherwax. I love that name. Visclosky just kind of rolls off your tongue.
No, not that name, stupid. Celina Weatherwax. I'm not sure how you could really improve on that. Wanda Weatherwax? Nope. Cynthia Weatherwax? Maybe. But I do believe that of all of the aides for all of the senators and congressmenandwomen in the United States, Celina has the best name.
And she works for a pretty good congressman. At least he has pretty decent listening skills. The zillion-term congressman listened patiently and intently as Ron and I prompted him to prompt Tom Wheeler the head of the FCC to allow AM stations to get a little with some LPFM (low power FM). I'll explain what that all means for independent AM radio stations like WJOB some other time.
.... I'll finish this later. Wife Alexis just got home. Her mom just got out of surgery. Tell you about that later, too.